More About Olmstead

Because there's always more to say about Olmstead …

Matt Sedensky, Associated Press / ABC News - June 26, 2014
"Brent Kaderli has a wheelchair-accessible van waiting in the driveway, a hospital bed in a spare bedroom and an electric lift that's left unused. If the 30-year-old quadriplegic had his way, he'd be living here, in his father's house, with help from aides. Instead, he is in an institution, hoping each day for a place that feels more like a home …"
“… Progress has been made in every state to keep more aged and disabled people in their homes and communities, but only half of Medicaid spending goes to such care, with the services routinely denied by a system that favors institutions even though they're typically more expensive to taxpayers.”
This is a very thorough article, making a good case that politics and profit, not health and safety are the main reasons why nursing homes and institutions are still the “default” option for Medicaid long term care.

National Council on Disability - June 22, 2014
"Even as we celebrate the 15th anniversary of the Olmstead decision, NCD recognizes that there is more work to do. As courts continue to apply and interpret what Olmstead means and how best to implement practices and policies that reflect its core principles of self-determination and inclusion, NCD offers the following guidance to facilitate and foster ways that people with disabilities can work, play and contribute to all aspects of American life alongside our non-disabled peers.”
The National Council on Disability highlights how the Olmstead decision is also changing disability policy in employment, and in services to people with developmental disabilities.

The White House - June 20, 2014
"All indications are that we are heading in the right direction. We are working to address many of the most imposing barriers facing those who want to live on their own: finding affordable, accessible housing and improving access to quality support and services tailored to each person’s goals …”
“… Can people eat food they like, when they want to? Choose their roommates? Have guests visit when they want? Come and go from their home as they please?”
The White House shares some individual Olmstead success stories, and focuses on affordable, accessible housing, a key component and often a key barrier to people who want to leave institutions and live in their own homes. The statement also notes recent changes in the definition of integrated, independent living. It has less to do with whether you rent or own, live with others or not, or how much daily help you have … and more to do with whether you in a household, or are a patient, resident, or client.