Disability Blogger Link-Up - Post Your Favorite Disability Sites

The word Blog surrounded by word cloud

I have decided to offer another Disability Blogger Linkup this weekend, even though we just had one last week and I normally post them every


weeks. As always, you can post anything you like, as long as its related to disability.

However, this time around I’m asking everyone to consider posting links to your favorite disability-related






, and

video blog

sites. What disability-related stuff do you read, listen to, or watch on a regular basis? Share it with the community!

Important note:

To make the links easier to identify, in the “Your name” blank, type the

title of the article or the name of website

. In the "Your URL" blank, paste the whole website address of the item you are posting.

Then click the "Enter" button. That's it!

Have fun posting and reading! This Link-Up will close at Midnight Eastern on Sunday. Look for the next regular Disability Blogger Link-Up Friday, June 12, 2015.