Ready To #CripTheVote?

#CripTheVote - Our Voices, Our Vote - Twitter chats before Presidential debates, on disability issues and strategies for disabled voters.

This #CripTheVote project is profiled today in the Washington Post:

The 2016 conversation has ignored disabled people. Now, they want to be heard
Caitlin Gibson, Washington Post - February 10, 2016

The first two #CripTheVote Twitter Chats are tomorrow, Thursday, February 11, 8 PM Eastern, before the Democratic debate at 9 PM Eastern … and Saturday, February 13, 8 PM Eastern, before the Republican debate at 9 PM Eastern.

Alice Wong (Twitter handle: @DisVisibility), Gregg Beratan (Twitter handle: @GreggBeratan), and (Twitter handle: @AndrewPulrang), I will be hosting, and we hope to see lots of disabled people participating … sharing thoughts on disability issues and strategies for getting candidates to address them. Just add #CripTheVote to your Tweets, and search #CripTheVote to read what others are saying.

We also have some resource pages set up right here at Disability Thinking. Take a look:

Incidentally, if you are not using Twitter, now would be a great time to start. Like all social media, the quality and relevance of the content depends on who you connect yourself with, and what you contribute to the conversation. And it doesn’t take much practice to keep the the 140 characters per Tweet limit. If you prefer not to join though, we will be posting Storify recaps of each conversation that you can read on a standard web page.