#CripTheVote Update

#CripTheVote - Our Voices, Our Vote - Americans with Disabiliities and Political Participation - Twitter Chats - March 9, 2016: Democratic Debate - March 10, 2016: Republican Debate - One-hour before each debate, TBA - Take our Disability Policy Sur…

What’s next for #CripTheVote? Plenty.

1. Let’s try to get the next debate moderators to ask the candidates a disability policy question. Before the next Republican debate on Thursday, February 25, Tweet the moderators:


For example:

Ask the candidates: What would you do to reduce the massive rate of unemployment among disabled Americans? #CripTheVote

Ask the candidates: 15.6 million disabled Americans voted in 2012. How would your presidency address their concerns? #CripTheVote

Ask the candidates: What do you view as the top three issues facing disabled Americans today? #CripTheVote

By the way, it's great to boost these kinds of messages by retweeting, but please also send your own proposed questions to the moderators. We want them to see lots of disability question ideas from a very broad and diverse disability community, not just a handful of activists.

If we all Tweet together, we can be heard!

2. The next pre-debate #CripTheVot Twitter chats will be held on hour before the Democratic and Republican debates on March 9 and 10. Gear up for the debates with us, and share your ideas on disability policy issues and how to get the candidates more engaged with our issues.

3. In the meantime, take a few moments to complete our #CripTheVote Disability Issues Survey. Pick you top issues and priorities. We will discuss preliminary results on the 9th and 10th, and will keep the survey open until the end of April. Our hope is to use the results to push candidates at all levels to take notice of the issues we care about most.

Click here to to complete the survey. It’s free and completely anonymous.